Morning, Beautiful
One who brings goodness
All auspicious Lord, Name of Lord Ganesh, Brilliant
Lord of virtue
Fortunate, Brilliant, Attractive, Auspicious, Wealthy; Fortunate
Fortunate, Brilliant, Attractive, Auspicious, Wealthy; auspicious
Auspicious vow
Auspicious, Fortunate
Giver of luck, Auspicious, Fortunate; giver of luck
Wife of Arjun
Lord Shiva, Auspicious-eyed, Epithet of Shiva; Lord Shiva
Good, Auspicious
One who is Auspicious
Good bliss
Lord Shiva, Handsome limbed, Beautifully formed, Elegant, Epithet of Vishnu and Shiva; handsome
A beautiful lady; Beautiful
Granter of auspicious things, Goddess Laxmi
Auspicious Moon; lucky moon
Good luck, Auspicious
Excellent, Great, A garland of flowers, Auspicious
White, The Ganga, Attractive, Brilliant, Heaven, Another name for the river Ganges; white; the Ganga
The first drop of nature water, The Moon, White; the moon
Pure, Bright, Holy, Worthy; Pure
He who is spotlessly clean
Pure, Sacred, Virtuous, an apsara
One who has a pure smile
Person with a sound mind, Sensible, Intelligent, Informed, Pure, Focussed, Another name for Brahma
Good picture, Beautiful, Holy, Auspicious, Informed, Sensible; purity
Well born
Goddess Durga, Purity, Holiness, Acquittal, Accuracy, Truth, Certainty, Name of Durga, Name of one of the shaktis of Vishnu; Goddess Durga
Symbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright
A parrot, Bright; a parrot
Goddess Saraswati, Bright or white; Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
Resplendent, The venus planet, Friday, Bright, Pure, White, Another name for agin; resplendent, Venus, Friday
A person who does good things, Made good
Pearl oyster
Easy to get, Natural; Easy
Lord Shiva, The one who bears the shul; Lord Shiva
Marked by spear, Distinguished, Another name for Shiva
White, Bright, Pure, Another name for Goddess Saraswati
One who has a trident, Lord Shiva; Lord Shiva
Goddess Durga, Epithet of Durga, Holding spear; Goddess Durga
Goddess Saraswati, The one who gives; Goddess Saraswati
Good-natured, Auspicious, Another name for Vaayu and Indra
Lord Indra, A water pot; Lord Indra
Very just, Well-behaved
Valiant, Bold, Mighty, Brave, Lion, Tiger
The Sun, Illuminating
The word means one having finger nails like winnowing baskets sup (Ravan's sister whose ears and nose were cut by Laxman)
Ear, Veda
Very silent
Good character Man or well behaved, Good conduct; Pleasant
True beauty and kindness. a lover of good. genuine and caring