ancient King
The great archon from mythology
The great chief magistrate or archons, a God from Egyptian mythology
Hebrew - Lofty; Exalted; High Mountain; A variant of name Aaron which is a Biblical name
Egyptian - The Hidden One; It is variant of name Amon
Egyptian - The Hidden One; It is variant of name Ammon
Sun Disk; Heat and Light of Sun
Solar disk
Egyptian - Fire, Heat; As per their myth a goddess of fertility and the sun who was considered a protector of Lower Egypt
Hebrew name meaning 'daughter of God' In the Old Testament, she was the daughter of a Pharaoh of Egypt
The One who is Humble
Prophet's name.
One who loves
Flight or Stranger; Variant of biblical name Hagar
Purity, Pristine, perfect
Egyptian name
Egyptia, and French name
God of Light
A handsome Boy
A man known for his bravery
One who is brave
Kamuzu means Medical
Mythical god of the dead's destiny
Mythical reborn sun
Name of a pharaoh
The meaning of the name Kosey is Lion
One of kind and mild nature
He who is a Prophet
Egyptian - Mythical goddess of order and justice; Truth; Law;
A person of good fortune
A happy and joyful Boy
A man whose personality is happy and joyful
A merry and delighted person
Egyptian - Of the beautiful city; Established and beautiful
Egyptian - Born of; Child; Drawn Out Of The Water; A variant of Moses
A person who is naturally having skin of a dusky or dark color.
A kind woman, compassionate female.
Clearance on unfruitful land, Defrayal on barren land.
The noble Lord who is having or showing a kindly or tender nature.
The person who is sweeten with honey, who is remarkably fine.
An ancient Egyptian God in the form of Falcon
Egyptian - Born of; Child; Drawn Out Of The Water; A variant of Moses
An innocent person
A good son. Founder of Nephite people
Law and regulations.
The yellow daffodil flowers
A name given to the King of Kings
The second born son
The Sun
An Egyptian name meaning hero
Egyptian - Sun; A variant of name Ra which was an Egyptian sun god originally worshipped in Heliopolis
Egyptian - Son of Ra; Name of the eleven Egyptian kings; A variant spelling is Rameeses
Egyptian - Son of Ra; Born,Begottten of Ra; A variant of Rameses
God of the earth
Egyptian name meaning yesterday
Name of an Egyptian ruler.
Egyptian - King; Name of a Pharaoh