Classic Baby Names For Literature Fans

Literature has long been a source of inspiration and fascination, and many iconic characters have left a lasting impact on readers' hearts. Classic baby names for literature fans capture the charm, elegance, and timelessness found in literary works. These names carry a sense of nostalgia, evoking images of beloved characters and their captivating stories. Whether you're a fan of Victorian novels, timeless classics, or modern literary masterpieces, this collection of names pays homage to the literary world, offering a delightful choice for parents seeking names that resonate with literary beauty and significance.

1. Alice

Gender: Female

Meaning: Noble, of noble kind

Origin: Germanic

History: Alice has been a popular name in English literature and gained widespread recognition through Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."


2. Atticus

Gender: Male

Meaning: Man of Attica

Origin: Greek

History: Atticus is a name with Latin and Greek origins. It gained popularity through Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird."


3. Beatrice

Gender: Female

Meaning: Bringer of joy, blessed

Origin: Latin

History: Beatrice is a name of Italian origin that has been featured in various works of literature, including Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy."


4. Catherine

Gender: Female

Meaning: Pure, clear

Origin: Greek

History: Catherine is a timeless name with royal associations and has been used in numerous literary works, such as Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights."


5. Dorian

Gender: Male

Meaning: From Doris, gift of the sea

Origin: Greek

History: Dorian is a name associated with Oscar Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray," depicting a character's descent into decadence.


6. Elizabeth

Gender: Female

Meaning: God is my oath

Origin: Hebrew

History: Elizabeth is a classic name that has been featured in countless works of literature, including Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice."


7. Gatsby

Gender: Male

Meaning: Unknown

Origin: Fictional (from F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby")

History: Gatsby gained popularity as a name due to its association with F. Scott Fitzgerald's iconic character, Jay Gatsby.


8. Heathcliff

Gender: Male

Meaning: From the heath cliff

Origin: English

History: Heathcliff is a name made famous by Emily Bronte's novel "Wuthering Heights," portraying a complex and passionate character.


9. Holden

Gender: Male

Meaning: From the hollow valley

Origin: English

History: Holden is the name of the protagonist in J.D. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye," resonating with themes of adolescent rebellion and alienation.


10. Isabella

Gender: Female

Meaning: Devoted to God

Origin: Hebrew

History: Isabella is a name with royal origins and has been used in various literary works, including Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure."

11. Jane

Gender: Female

Meaning: God is gracious

Origin: English

History: Jane is a timeless name featured in literature, including Charlotte Bronte's novel "Jane Eyre."


12. Juliet

Gender: Female

Meaning: Youthful, downy

Origin: Latin

History: Juliet is a name made famous by Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," symbolizing a tale of passionate love.


13. Lancelot

Gender: Male

Meaning: Servant

Origin: French

History: Lancelot is a legendary name associated with the 'Knights of the Round Table' in Arthurian legends.


14. Oliver

Gender: Male

Meaning: Olive tree

Origin: Latin

History: Oliver is a classic name that has appeared in various literary works, such as Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist."


15. Ophelia

Gender: Female

Meaning: Help, assistance

Origin: Greek

History: Ophelia is a tragic character in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet," known for her poetic and dramatic portrayal.

16. Pippin

Gender: Male

Meaning: Lover of horses

Origin: English

History: Pippin is a name that gained popularity through J.R.R. Tolkien's novel "The Lord of the Rings," associated with a hobbit character.


17. Romeo

Gender: Male

Meaning: Pilgrim to Rome

Origin: Italian

History: Romeo is a name forever linked with Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," representing passionate and tragic love.


18. Scarlett

Gender: Female

Meaning: Red

Origin: English

History: Scarlett is a name associated with Margaret Mitchell's novel "Gone with the Wind," portraying a strong-willed and determined character.


19. Sebastian

Gender: Male

Meaning: Revered, respected

Origin: Latin

History: Sebastian is a name featured in literature and has a historical connection to early Christian martyrs. The name has been used in various literary works, including William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," "The Mortal Instruments" series by Cassandra Clare and "Brideshead Revisited" by Evelyn Waugh.


20. Violet

Gender: Female

Meaning: Violet flower

Origin: English

History: Violet is a name with floral associations and has been used in various literary works, including William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night."

21. Aragorn

Gender: Male

Meaning: Uncertain, possibly eagle king or noble king

Origin: Fictional name from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"

History: Aragorn is a character in "The Lord of the Rings" series, portrayed as a brave and noble king.


22. Hermione

Gender: Female

Meaning: Messenger of the Gods

Origin: Greek

History: Hermione is a character in William Shakespeare's play "The Winter's Tale" and also gained popularity through the "Harry Potter" series.


23. Cedric

Gender: Male

Meaning: Bounty or generous

Origin: Welsh

History: Cedric is a name that has been used in various literary works, including Sir Walter Scott's novel "Ivanhoe" and J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series.


24. Emma

Gender: Female

Meaning: Whole or universal

Origin: Germanic

History: Emma is a name with a rich history and has been used in several literary works, including Jane Austen's novel "Emma."


25. Jay

Gender: Male

Meaning: A modern name with various meanings, including jaybird or victory

Origin: English

History: Jay is a name that has gained popularity in recent times and does not have a specific literary or historical connection.

26. Lily

Gender: Female

Meaning: Derived from the flower name Lily, symbolizing purity, beauty, and innocence

Origin: English

History: Lily is a name associated with the flower of the same name and has been used in literature and various cultures to represent beauty and purity.


27. Tristan

Gender: Male

Meaning: Derived from the Celtic name Drustan, possibly meaning tumult or riot

Origin: Celtic

History: Tristan is a character in Arthurian legends and has been featured in various literary works, including the poem "Tristan and Iseult."


28. Rosalind

Gender: Female

Meaning: Gentle horse or tender horse

Origin: English

History: Rosalind is a name used by William Shakespeare for a witty and intelligent character in his play "As You Like It."


29. Augustus

Gender: Male

Meaning: Great or venerable

Origin: Latin

History: Augustus is a name associated with ancient Roman emperors, including Augustus Caesar, and has been used in literature, including John Green's novel "The Fault in Our Stars."


30. Esmeralda

Gender: Female

Meaning: Derived from the Spanish word for "emerald," symbolizing beauty and preciousness

Origin: Spanish

History: Esmeralda is a character in Victor Hugo's novel "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" and has a notable association with the story's protagonist, Quasimodo.

31. Jasper

Gender: Male

Meaning: Treasurer

Origin: Persian

History: The name has been used since ancient times and has been associated with qualities like wealth and prosperity. In literature, it appears in the classic novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker as the name of a character. 


32. Portia

Gender: Female

Meaning: Pig

Origin: Latin

History: It gained popularity through Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice." Portia is a prominent character known for her intelligence and wit. This association with the character has contributed to the name's popularity. Portia is often seen as a strong and elegant name choice, embodying qualities of grace and femininity.


33. Sydney

Gender: Unisex

Meaning: Wide Island

Origin: English

History: Sydney is an English name derived from the Old English word "s?dan ?eg" meaning "wide island." Sydney has appeared in several important literary works. One notable example is Charles Dickens' novel "A Tale of Two Cities."


34. Cecilia

Gender: Female

Meaning: Blind

Origin: Latin

History: Cecilia is a Latin name derived from the word "caecus" meaning "blind." It has been used since ancient times and has religious associations. "Cecilia" is also the title of a novel written by Frances Burney, an 18th-century English writer.


35. Edward

Gender: Male

Meaning: Wealthy Guardian

Origin: English

History: Edward is an English name derived from the Old English words "?ad" meaning "wealth" and "weard" meaning "guardian." It has royal and historical associations.

36. Marianne

Gender: Female

Meaning: Bitter Grace

Origin: French

History: Marianne is a combination of the names Mary and Anne. It gained popularity in France during the French Revolution as a symbol of the nation. Prominent literary work associated with the name Marianne is Jane Austen's novel "Sense and Sensibility."


37. Peter

Gender: Male

Meaning: Rock

Origin: Greek

History: Peter is a Greek name derived from the word "petros" meaning rock. It has biblical associations and has been used for centuries.


38. Elinor

Gender: Female

Meaning: Compassion

Origin: English

History: Elinor is an English name derived from the Old French name "Alienor" and ultimately from the Greek name "Helen." It has literary and historical significance.


39. Gwendolyn

Gender: Female

Meaning: White Ring

Origin: Welsh

History: It has literary and mythological associations. Prominent literary work associated with the name Gwendolyn is Oscar Wilde's play "The Importance of Being Earnest."


40. Hamlet

Gender: Male

Meaning: Home

Origin: Germanic

History: Hamlet is a Germanic name meaning home. It gained popularity through Shakespeare's famous play "Hamlet."

41. Phoebe

Gender: Female

Meaning: Bright, radiant

Origin: Greek

History: In literature, Phoebe is a character in Shakespeare's play "As You Like It."


42. Rhett

Gender: Male

Meaning: Advice, counsel

Origin: English

History: It is famously associated with the character Rhett Butler from Margaret Mitchell's novel "Gone with the Wind."


43. Rosaline

Gender: Female

Meaning: Beautiful rose

Origin: Latin

History: It is associated with the character Rosaline in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet."


44. Arthur

Gender: Male

Meaning: Bear

Origin: Celtic

History: It is famously associated with the legendary King Arthur, a central figure in Arthurian literature and mythology.

45. Clarissa

Gender: Female

Meaning: Bright, clear

Origin: Latin

History: It is the name of the protagonist in Samuel Richardson's novel "Clarissa," a significant work in the epistolary genre.


46. Eleanor

Gender: Female

Meaning: Bright, shining one

Origin: Greek

History: It is associated with notable historical figures and has appeared in various works of literature.


47. Isolde

Gender: Female

Meaning: Beautiful, fair

Origin: Celtic

History: It is linked to the tragic heroine Isolde in the medieval romance of Tristan and Isolde.


48. Lysander

Gender: Male

Meaning: Liberator

Origin: Greek

History: It is prominently featured in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream."


49. Hero

Gender: Female

Meaning: Brave one

Origin: Greek

History: It is associated with the character Hero in Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing."


50. Octavia

Gender: Female

Meaning: Eighth

Origin: Latin

History: It is linked to historical figures and has been used in literature, including works by Shakespeare and George Eliot.

51. Phineas

Gender: Male

Meaning: Oracle

Origin: Hebrew

History: It is associated with the character Phineas Finn in Anthony Trollope's "Palliser" series of novels.


52. Desdemona

Gender: Female

Meaning: Ill-fated

Origin: Greek

History: It is famously associated with the tragic character Desdemona in Shakespeare's play "Othello."


53. Rhys

Gender: Male

Meaning: Enthusiasm

Origin: Welsh

History: It is associated with the character Rhys in the novel "How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn.


54. Sabrina

Gender: Female

Meaning: From the River Severn

Origin: Celtic

History: Sabrina is a Celtic name associated with the River Severn in England. It is featured in John Milton's masque "Comus" and has appeared in other literary works.


55. Tobias

Gender: Male

Meaning: God is good

Origin: Hebrew

History: It is associated with the character Tobias in the biblical Book of Tobit, known for his faithfulness and encounters with archangel Raphael.

56. Celia

Gender: Female

Meaning: Heaven

Origin: Latin

History: It is linked to the character Celia in Shakespeare's play "As You Like It."


57. Edmund

Gender: Male

Meaning: Prosperous protector

Origin: English

History: It is related with the character Edmund Bertram in Jane Austen's novel "Mansfield Park."


58. Miranda

Gender: Female

Meaning: Admirable

Origin: Latin

History: It is famously associated with the character Miranda in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest."


59. Caspian

Gender: Male

Meaning: From the land of Caspian Sea

Origin: English

History: Caspian is an English name associated with the Caspian Sea. It is featured in C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia" series.


60. Viola

Gender: Female

Meaning: Violet

Origin: Latin

History: It is linked to the character Viola in Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night."

61. Leopold

Gender: Male

Meaning: Brave people

Origin: German

History: It is associated with historical figures and has appeared in literature by authors such as Thomas Mann.


62. Horatio

Gender: Male

Meaning: Timekeeper

Origin: Latin

History: It gained popularity through the character Horatio in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet."


63. Duncan

Gender: Male

Meaning: Dark warrior

Origin: Gaelic

History: It is well-known from Shakespeare's tragedy "Macbeth" where Duncan is the King of Scotland.


64. Juliette

Gender: Female

Meaning: Youthful

Origin: French

History: Juliette is a French diminutive of the name Juliet, popularized by Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet."


65. Eowyn

Gender: Female

Meaning: Horse joy

Origin: English

History: Eowyn is an English name of Old English origin. It gained popularity through J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" where Eowyn is a brave and independent character.

66. Orlando

Gender: Male

Meaning: Famous throughout the land

Origin: Spanish

History: It is associated with the character Orlando in Shakespeare's play "As You Like It."


67. Cordelia

Gender: Female

Meaning: Daughter of the sea

Origin: Welsh

History: It is best known from Shakespeare's tragedy "King Lear."


68. Percival

Gender: Male

Meaning: Piercing the valley

Origin: Old French

History: It is associated with the legendary 'Knights of the Round Table,' particularly Sir Percival.


69. Imogen

Gender: Female

Meaning: Innocent

Origin: Celtic

History: It gained popularity through Shakespeare's play "Cymbeline."


70. Paris

Gender: Male

Meaning: From Paris

Origin: Greek

History: It is well-known from Greek mythology and Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet."

71. Cosette

Gender: Female

Meaning: Victorious people

Origin: French

History: It gained popularity through Victor Hugo's novel "Les Misérables."


Classic baby names for literature fans are a treasure trove of rich history and captivating stories. Inspired by iconic characters and renowned authors, these names have a sense of depth and meaning. From the tragic love of Juliette to the heroic spirit of Horatio, each name carries its own unique charm. Whether you're drawn to the magical world of Eowyn or the elegance of Cordelia, these names offer a connection to the literary realm. Embrace the power of literature with these timeless names that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.